Saturday, December 13, 2008

Response to Michael Cackler's Blog

After reading Michael’s comment on my blog I decided to check out his page, because it seemed to me he had more understanding on the situation involving the Big 3 bailout, then I did.

In, “Is saving the Big 3 a good idea?”, he explains that the $14 billion Auto bailout has only been passed by the House so far and that it is a quick fix until the next administration can find a more permanent solution. He also goes on to explain why exactly they need that amount of money, and what the “strings-attached” really means for the “BIG 3”. These rules seem like a good start on how to control the companies from continuing down the path their going, but only time will tell if they are really looking to change or if they are just looking for free money.

Michael also writes about how competitors like Toyota and Honda have gained serious ground on the “BIG 3” in the past decade by managing their money, while still making quality, fuel efficient cars. I believe if the “BIG 3” had taken a good look and some notes from those competitors, they probably wouldn’t be in the predicament they are in right now.

In his blog he says, “Let the companies fail and see millions of Americans lose there jobs or pump cash into poorly operated companies and try to baby sit them. With our country already in an official recession if we choose not to help the Big 3 we may very well spin this recession into the next depression.” The best option for the government right now is to give the bailout, but I really hope they make the “BIG 3” change their ways and “baby-sit” them as long as needed to make sure change actually happens.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Life Goes On???

I am sick and tired of all these large corporations getting bailed out when there are people all over America who can’t find jobs to support their families. The unemployment numbers are ridiculous, 533,000 job cuts last month alone. I can’t imagine being in the position of not being able to feed, clothe, or keep a roof over my family’s head. I know that America needs these large corporations to provide jobs, but even with the bailouts they have cut more. Instead of paying the CEO’s and other big wigs way too much money maybe they should actually take care of the people who do the work. If they would regulate their spending and quit making expensive pieces of crap maybe they wouldn’t have so many vehicles no one wants to buy. People have been saying that we are in recession and that America has been through the same thing before and we will survive, but what about all those people who aren’t?! I have a very good paying, reliable job, but that doesn’t mean I am not scared that my job might disappears, like so many others. “The job market is unlikely to improve any time soon. In a survey of 101 CEOs released Thursday, 60% said they plan to cut workers in the next six months, the Business Roundtable said.” We need to start thinking about the American people and stop worrying about companies who probably won’t survive if something doesn’t change. America needs help, I really do hope that the next president keeps his word and really does something for the people instead of so many who came before him.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Tuition on the Rise Response

Tuition on the Rise
I agree with you on the rising tuition prices. How are students who pay their own way through college not supposed to be scared about how this is going to effect their future?! I really related to your blog because I worry about having to come up with more money for tuition on top of the other bills I have including my new mortgage payment. I don’t think the government has a right to raise this cost, if anything they need to lower it because as of right now there is no way I could even afford to go to a university with the cost of tuition. Hopefully the New Year will bring change in our government and economy. I also believe if we all stand together and use our voices that we will be heard by our government, and will get the relief and education that we deserve and that so many have received before us.

Friday, October 31, 2008


I have to say I am worried about the outcome of this coming election, and I can’t imagine I am alone. I wish it was already done and over with so we would know what to expect for the future of America. But it’s not and we still have to hear both sides bashing one another and we have to hear about 101 different polls predicting who knows what. Frankly I am done with it all! All this election has been successful at is breaking America down further. The war between Republicans and Democrats is worse then ever and now this political hate has spewed over into the American way of life. People are afraid of an assassination and even that their vote will be “lost” because of their skin color. I am sick and tired of all this unnecessary hate, there is already enough to go around three times over so stop! All I hope is that whoever wins actually fulfills what they have promised and doesn’t turn out to be a complete liar like most who have come before them. The American people deserve a good leader who will help them with things that actually matter, not just issues that promote themselves or their party. If something doesn’t change fast in the government, America will no longer be great. Let’s make positive changes to ensure that the America we know is great is still there for future generations. So… America get your butts off the couch, go vote, and pray for the best because we need a miracle.


Friday, October 17, 2008


The Left Declares War on Joe the Plumber, is an article by Michelle Malkin on National Review Online, which is about Joe Wurzelbacher, a small-business owner from Ohio who questioned Senator Obama about his tax plan during a Toledo campaign last weekend, and now everyone from Senator Biden to Joshua Marshall are digging through his life and his past to discredit him. The intended audience is more towards Republicans and undecided voters. Although it is pointed towards those two groups, shouldn’t everyone be concerned? Come on the man asked a legitimate question which should be answered before the election and if all you have is, “spread the wealth around…it’s good for everybody”, why would I ever vote for you.” The story is credible because Senator Biden among the others who have been bad mouthing him have been on record talking about everything from how much he makes in a year, his voter registration status, and being a racist. I don’t understand why they are trying so hard to discredit him other than to take the attention off the Senator Obama’s tax plan. Why would are they tearing this man down if the tax plan is supposed to help the small business owners and Middle America? I believe Michelle Malkin’s point for the article is to make people aware of the lies and the lengths some will go to, to hide what normal people think instead of having original ideas and a plan to stand behind. I also think she did a good job of stating facts rather than saying things without any proof to back it up. All in all, this is an informative, eye-opening article.

Friday, October 3, 2008


On Todd Beeton’s post, Sarah Palin's Fragile Freedom on MyDD, he starts off by saying that he can't chose just one bad thing about Sarah Palin's performance in the VP Debate last night because she had so many. To start a post like that is clearly an attack on her, and is clearly intended for a Democratic audience. I don’t think I can say whether he is creditable or not because it is his opinion. In my opinion the debate was a great opportunity for both candidates to share insight into their beliefs and BOTH candidates got facts wrong along the way. He talks about how her closing statement was absolutely ridiculous and that she "fear-mongered" about the fragile nature of our freedoms. Then he goes on to say that it is the "conservative governance" that has infringed on the freedoms of the nation. He also says that the conservatives think that freedom is so easy to be undone. I think it is and I think it was fitting that Sarah Palin quoted Ronald Reagan. Freedom is a privilege and you have to defend it always. I just don’t understand why he sees that as a negative rather than pure truth. I think Sarah Palin did a great job compared to the recent media drama she has had lately and I think during parts of the debate Joe Biden got defensive and a little scary. More than anything I think the American people can relate to someone like Sarah Palin because of her non-politician approach.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Taxation Without Representation

After finding out that the District of Columbia doesn’t have a right to vote in the Capitol, I found the article linked below interesting. According to this article D.C. residents believe they are closer to a vote in Congress then they have been in a generation. It talks about why they think they haven’t been able to successfully get results, “"We suffer from what Ted Kennedy called the 'four toos,' “says WTOP radio commentator Mark Plotkin. "Too liberal, too urban, too Democratic and too black." I don’t agree with this logic, but I do believe that everyone should be allowed the right to be represented in the government. The article also goes on to say that having the first African-American presidential nominee co-sponsor the bill has given them more hope. Although Senator Obama voted for the bill, Mark Plotkin doesn’t believe that this topic is high on Obama’s agenda and believes that he might be taking the voters for granted and telling them what they want to hear. Hopefully this isn’t true, because whether or not you support Senator Obama, no group of people should be exploited for one’s political gain.