Friday, October 3, 2008


On Todd Beeton’s post, Sarah Palin's Fragile Freedom on MyDD, he starts off by saying that he can't chose just one bad thing about Sarah Palin's performance in the VP Debate last night because she had so many. To start a post like that is clearly an attack on her, and is clearly intended for a Democratic audience. I don’t think I can say whether he is creditable or not because it is his opinion. In my opinion the debate was a great opportunity for both candidates to share insight into their beliefs and BOTH candidates got facts wrong along the way. He talks about how her closing statement was absolutely ridiculous and that she "fear-mongered" about the fragile nature of our freedoms. Then he goes on to say that it is the "conservative governance" that has infringed on the freedoms of the nation. He also says that the conservatives think that freedom is so easy to be undone. I think it is and I think it was fitting that Sarah Palin quoted Ronald Reagan. Freedom is a privilege and you have to defend it always. I just don’t understand why he sees that as a negative rather than pure truth. I think Sarah Palin did a great job compared to the recent media drama she has had lately and I think during parts of the debate Joe Biden got defensive and a little scary. More than anything I think the American people can relate to someone like Sarah Palin because of her non-politician approach.

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