Saturday, September 20, 2008

Taxation Without Representation

After finding out that the District of Columbia doesn’t have a right to vote in the Capitol, I found the article linked below interesting. According to this article D.C. residents believe they are closer to a vote in Congress then they have been in a generation. It talks about why they think they haven’t been able to successfully get results, “"We suffer from what Ted Kennedy called the 'four toos,' “says WTOP radio commentator Mark Plotkin. "Too liberal, too urban, too Democratic and too black." I don’t agree with this logic, but I do believe that everyone should be allowed the right to be represented in the government. The article also goes on to say that having the first African-American presidential nominee co-sponsor the bill has given them more hope. Although Senator Obama voted for the bill, Mark Plotkin doesn’t believe that this topic is high on Obama’s agenda and believes that he might be taking the voters for granted and telling them what they want to hear. Hopefully this isn’t true, because whether or not you support Senator Obama, no group of people should be exploited for one’s political gain.